Notifier CAB-RM
The RM-1 Series Remote Microphone provides a cost effective microphone interface for paging to selected speaker zones
Notifier HS-NCM-W
High-Speed Network Communications Module, twisted-pair wire interface
Notifier HS-NCM-WSF-2
High-Speed Network Communications Module, wire and fiber-optic cable interface (wire/single-mode)
Notifier HS-NCM-WMF-2
High-Speed Network Communications Module, wire and fiber-optic cable interface (wire/multi-mode)
Notifier HS-NCM-MFSF
High-Speed Network Communications Module, fiber-optic cable interface (multi-mode/single-mode)
Notifier HS-NCM-MF
High-Speed Network Communications Module, fiber-optic cable interface (multi-mode)
Notifier HS-NCM-W-2
High-Speed Network Communications Module, twisted-pair wire interface